Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ecological Perspective Theory

       This picture represents the variety of institutions in our lives, the different levels- the ecological perspective theory. I believe that this is the most significant theory because it explains and includes all the social issues that families face during this time. the way I see it is there are so many aspects to a person's life such as school, work, their family, their friends, neighbors- whether these things are large or small parts of our lives they all affect us and influence in every way possible, that what makes a person so unique and complex. The person we are is constructed by the people we interact with and the experiences we learn from, therefore when you take two people and combine their lives through marriage you get an even larger and more complex situation that relay our emotions and actions of our everyday lives. When a couple adds children and has a whole complete family more situations and institutions are added. As the picture shows and this theory states, the issues that modern families have are derived from all these institutions and people. It is not only gender issues or issues at work or maybe a recent incident in the community its all of the above combined with small things such as how your neighbor was acting this morning, is your child's cough something serious etc. Think about it, at the end of the day, we have about a million thing going through our minds... what's going through yours? Why and where did it come from? Because you surely aren't only feeling this way today.

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