Thursday, February 23, 2012

Institutional Discrimination

                 This picture represents institutional discrimination when it comes to gender differences in the work place. Institutional discrimination is, like other forms of discrimination, denial of opportunities and equal rights to someone or a group of people that take away from the norms of society. However, unlike most forms of discrimination this form is systematic, built into the larger picture of the way our society runs. When people are racist or sexist, usually individually, there is always a kind of uproar in order to fix it and make it right. Nonetheless, when it comes to institutional discrimination, it is noticed but only rarely is there something actually done to fix this. Why is that? I believe the reason why is BECAUSE its built into a larger part of our society, its hidden in that way, behind the face of old norms that were really built since the beginning of time especially in this country. People study the unequal income between genders with the same attributes, it is known to a lot of people in society that women, even the superior white women earn less than minority men. Yet, still no change. This image pictures a woman dressed in professional uniform, like men, battling against him, this picture represents institutional discrimination because no matter where a woman works, they face this huge battle everyday they go into work and get paid less than what a man co-worker is doing for doing the same thing or more. This epic discrimination is embedded in one of the biggest institutions of our country, the Industry ( work)  institution.

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