Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Prejudice is  still a very serious  problem in our society. The color of your skin  and your gender determines many of the opportunitioes that are given and taken away from you in your life. Acoording to the Centers for Desease Control  and Prevention, 30.4% of Hispanics, 17% of blacks, and 9.9% of whites do not have health insurance coverage in the United States. and According to the Unted States Department of Labor "In 2010, the rates for Black men and women were 18.4 and 13.8 percent, respectively.  The jobless rate for Hispanic men was 12.7 percent, and the rate for Hispanic women was 12.3 percent. In comparison, the unemployment rate for White men was 9.6 percent, and the rate for White women was 7.7 percent. The unemployment rates for Asian men and women were 7.8 and 7.1 percent, respectively." As we can see race and gender still has a very big impact on the opportunities we have in life. Minorities in our country still have a harder time finding employment and having access to health care.

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