Monday, January 23, 2012


Dear All, hello. Welcome to Sociology 320- 
Sociology of the marriage and family class, Spring 2012.

In this class we will discuss major issues, themes, and concerns in contemporary marriages, families, and intimate relationships. We will present several theories that explain love.

Through this class, we will consider the experiences of single parent families led by women or men, 
two parent heterosexual families, lesbian or gay families and adoptive families. 
Our focal point will be to address this diversity through life-course perspective 
looking at important characteristics of family formation, parenting, family dissolution, caregiving 
and experiences of later life. 
Furthermore, we will consider how historical macro-changes in economy, labor markets and 
demography create the diversity in contemporary families and marriages.
Finally, we will point out important social problems that families and marriages face at the 21 century.
You will be an integral part of this blog and an active participant, please feel free to post comments, 
questions and ideas!