Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Symbolic Theory

I believe symbolic theory best describe problems that occur in family and marriages. This theory describes the emphases on symbols we use in everyday interaction that are interpreted by others. There are various estimates on how much of our communication is verbal and how much is non-verbal. Body language is very important in all aspects of our lives to getting your true message across and interpreting the message of others. However, some symbols are obvious while others are less obvious. Body language is also a major factor in the classroom. Schools are one of the first places where kid's behavior and future educational success is shaped. In my opinion teachers are second mothers to the students because students spend a lot of time with their teachers.In this picture the student is admiring the teacher's body gesture in a sexual manner. Therefore, teachers have to be aware of their gestures and appearance because as a professional role models their symbolic communication is constantly being examined.

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