Friday, February 10, 2012

Developmental Theory/Life Course Theory

I believe that this theory best represents the family and marriage conflicts of today, especially since Developmental Theory states that every individual has to go through the same "distinct stages" during their lifetime. Each stage has a set of rules and responsibilities which we must take on to be able to move onto the next stage of our life but i feel like this is where the problems of family and marriages root from. Biologically, we may all develop and go through similar life stages from birth to death but besides that every individual goes through different stages and some may skip or stay in a certain stage (single life) forever. Family and marriage is not how it is depicted in the movies where everyone grows up gets a job and gets married, there are so many different obstacles that are in the way or just different perspectives that an individual goes through that may change the way that their life with "develop".
I chose this image because I believe that all the "in between stuff" is unpredictable and no one can know exactly what is to come since there isn't a right or wrong path. Family and marriage problems could arise from the fact that people assume that things work a certain way or expect their family and marriage (or life) to play out in those specific life stages.

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