According to the Census in 2010, for children who identified as Black, the poverty rate was 38.2 percent (4.0 million), twice as high as the rate for White children and the highest poverty rate among the race and ethnic groups. Like gender, race is socially constructed, which means that society creates the differences among racial groups. A difference is physical appearance. Based on a person's outer exterior like hair, skin color, and facial features, we try to determine a person's race. Society has taught us that certain characteristics belong to a particular race. Also, society has taught us the differences in power between the races. A minority group is a category of people who have less power than a dominant group and who are subject to unequal treatment. This image clearly displays which child is apart of the minority group and the other child that will be considered superior. One child may experience poverty and prejudice, while the other child may never know what it is like to be poor and experience a negative attitude based on their race.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Race Inequality
According to the Census in 2010, for children who identified as Black, the poverty rate was 38.2 percent (4.0 million), twice as high as the rate for White children and the highest poverty rate among the race and ethnic groups. Like gender, race is socially constructed, which means that society creates the differences among racial groups. A difference is physical appearance. Based on a person's outer exterior like hair, skin color, and facial features, we try to determine a person's race. Society has taught us that certain characteristics belong to a particular race. Also, society has taught us the differences in power between the races. A minority group is a category of people who have less power than a dominant group and who are subject to unequal treatment. This image clearly displays which child is apart of the minority group and the other child that will be considered superior. One child may experience poverty and prejudice, while the other child may never know what it is like to be poor and experience a negative attitude based on their race.
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