The Developmental/Course theory analyzes that inevitably all individuals go through distinct and similar stages in life over their course of time. However, depending on their geographical locations and social influences, there choices and outcomes may alter slightly. For example everyone's life begins at infancy and progessively growing into their senior years. Through out the course of life, majority of the individuals is taught by society the normatives stages of life and roles that are expected to be carried out at each stage. Depending on the individuals demographic settings and influences, it can determine his or her decisions and outcomes. This theory plays a key role in expalining the institution of family because it acknowledges that children of society are expected to attend school, obey and cooperate with parents until they reach adulthood. Then when reaching adulthood, society stresses the need for individuals to obtain a career and eventually finding a spouse and have children after one has become "establsihed." Then eventually the adults become elders and society suggests and assumes that at this point in life that they should be able to relax and enjoy the world comfortably with grandchildren and eventually passing away.
The theoretical theory and scenario above is not always consistent and valid in contemporary society. For example, if one were to be born in a poverish and crime affluent neighborhood that the indidual might not live to even see adult years. Another example is that an individual being born to a mother and father who he or she sees constantly arguing and fighting would probaly discourage them from getting married in their later years.
The photo above illustrates that individuals in society go through stages beginning with birth and ending with death. The picture also notes that indivduals are social beings who have diffreent tasks and roles depending on the stage of life that the individual is consumed with. Lastly the picture illustrates familial and companionship characterestics that many individuals share and value in society.
-Hai Bui
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