Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Discrimination is hard to get away from. It is all around all the time and some people don't even know recognize it. Discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other reasons. For the past few years there has been a lot of discrimination among gay couples and getting married. This is a controversial topic because some people don't believe gay couples should marry due to the religious aspects while others are just homophobic and don't want to make it more of a norm. According to gaymarriage.com there is ~600,000 gay couples in America and California has the highest number of gay couples: ~91,000. There are 5 states where gay marriage is legal and Washington D.C. The most recent statistics taken in December of 2011 show that 41% of people are favoring gay marriage while, 47% is still oppose, and 10% are unsure. Statisticians estimate that by 2012 the percentage favoring gay marriage will exceed opposing gay marriage. I personally believe it is no ones business who decides who is in love and who can get married. This affects families and many gay couples who want to adopt. It is better to have a married couple adopt a child than a single person so it can definitely make a difference. I hope that one day gay marriage will be legal everywhere and people can stop discriminating against gays in general. 

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