Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A Walk To Remember

A Walk to Remember is a love story in which the two main characters Jaime and Landon fall in love. London was a trouble maker that after getting into some trouble he is punished by doing some community work where he gets to know Jaime. After spending time together the two fall in love, however Jaime does not want to fall in love because she has cancer and she knows that there is no real cure for the illness. London and Jaime lear the true meaning of love and marry and stay together through Jaime's illness. Jaime end up dieting but London turned his whole life around and became a doctor to try to find a cure for the illness that killed Jaime. I think that we can apply Attachment Theory to Jaime's and London's characters. They both in my opinion have a n Avoidant Style of attachement at the beginning of the film. Jaime is to scared to get to close to anyone because she is afraid of falling in love and then her partner leaving her because of her illness. While London is afraid to truly trust anyone because of the relationship that he has with his father. His parents are divorced and he feels that every person that he trusts and gets close to him will end up leaving him just like his father. I think that we can also apply Agrape Loving from Lee's styles of loving to this love story. After finding out that Jaime had cancer and will eventually die, London choose to stay by her side and marry her. He made sure that all the the things in her wish list came true. He sacrificed his friends and life to be with Jaime. And after she died he continue to sacrificed himself in order to try to find a cure for her illness.

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