Tuesday, March 6, 2012

    Love and Other Drugs is a romantic comedy between this guy name Jamie and this girl name Maggie. The main character Jamie was trying to make it in the medical business by trying to get doctors to prescribe to his drugs. However, Jamie managed to get a doctor to let him prescribe his drug so he got to an assistant and that’s when we met Maggie. Soon after Maggie found out that he was a pervert to let the doctor do what he did to her; as a result, they started going out. Then Jamie finds out that Maggie has Parkinson disease and that she will soon need to be dependent on someone to take care of her. Jamie then understood that he truly cares about her and wanted to help her through her illness. Maggie later finds out that it was just all of a scam, she felt like he was just using her. In the end, Jamie realized he can’t live without her so they ended together.
    Attachment theory can be related to the film because of the way Maggie felt about her illness. The attention that she need from others and how the way she behaved when others cared about her. During the film you can see that Maggie experience the feeling of being secure when she knows that someone will be there for her no matter what happens to her. It was a constant struggle for Maggie to feel the need to let someone in her life that she would feel secure with. Avoidant came up when she felt like she could be independent and didn’t feel like she needed someone to feel bad for her because had Parkinson’s disease. Maggie tried to avoid meeting people and letting them into her life because she was worried about getting hurt. As for anxious it made it worry that she was not able to find anyone to want to take care of her for the rest of her life.
    Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love fit right into this film. Throughout the movie we got to experience Jamie and Maggie go through the stages of intimacy, passion, and decision/ commitment. Both Jamie and Maggie bonded in the beginning because of similar interest. Then their relationship got closer because of Maggie having Parkinson ’s disease and it got them to connect on a different level. Sooner or later, Jamie and Maggie both had a physical romantic attraction to one another. Eventually, a long term relationship is formed between the two when Jamie realized he wants to spend the rest of his life with Maggie.  

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