Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"No Strings Attached" is a movie about two individuals who decide to try and be friends with benefits. They want the intimacy and passion aspects of a relationship without the commitment. For this reason, Sterngberg's Triangular Theory is present. This theory propses that love has three components, intimacy, passion and decision/commitment. According to this theory, there are different outcomes depending on which compenets are present in a given relationship. The relationship in this movie falls under Romantic Love, which is full of intense passion but lacks commitment. I believe the Love Stories Theory also applies to this movie. This theory states that relationships fall under categories such as Business, Horroe, Travel, Gardengin, Collectibles, Humor, Autocratic Government, Police and Theatre. The relationship is this movie is similar to Collectibles which deals with multiple parnters, and Travel which deals with a new and exciting journey.

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