Tuesday, March 6, 2012


In the movie, Obsessed, Derek is a business man who just received a promotion and is happily married to Beyonce's character, Sharon. Lisa is a new temp at Derek's work and begins to stalk him and throws herself on him (sexually), Derek is not only not interested in Lisa but his job is also on the line due to her behavior. As the movie progresses Lisa haunts Sharon and Derek with excessive phone calls, interfering with their life, attending events in their life that she was not invited to, her behavior exceeds to thew point where violence and attempted murder of Sharon takes place.

The theory that would best describe this situation is Mania in Lee's style of loving. Lisa represents mania in the way that she was delusional thinking Derek wanted her, she imagined the two of them together and thought that Derek was head over heels for her but Sharon was in the way. Lisa did not accept the rejection Derek was giving her  and kept referring to him as "hers." All the characters would loss sleep over the anxiety because they knew Lisa would be up at night planning and watching them. Lisa directed her anger of not receiving any love from Derek at Sharon because she was extremely jealous that Sharon got the attention and that Derek stayed committed to Sharon.

This leads me to the second theory of love Consummate love from Steinberg's theory. This represents Sharon and Derek's love because despite the tempted seduction and the high stress that may cause the couple to break down they both keep their intimacy, their passion and most significantly their commitment to each other. This event does not hurt their relationship at all because of their deep love and trust they have within each other. The contrast of these two theories is what makes this movie interesting and unique.


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