Monday, March 5, 2012

Disney's UP

The computer animated film UP focuses around the adventure of Carl and a Wilderness Explorer named Russell but the purpose of their adventure is because of a long time promise between Carl and his deceased wife Ellie to go to a Lost Land in South America. The love between Carl and Ellie is only showed in the beginning of the film but it is very detailed and the audience can clearly see the love between the two characters and how their love story is told in chronological order of meeting at a young age, getting married, growing old together, etc.

For the first theory that would best explain their love story would be Reiss's Wheel Theory that describes four stages of love: (1) Rapport, (2) Self-Revelation, (3) Mutual Dependency, (4) Personality need fulfillment. The wheel can go in any direction, stop at any time and couple can go in and out of the wheel or stop and stay at a certain stage, in the case of Carl and Ellie they were old school and went through every stage in the Wheel Theory and in chronological order. They both met when they were kids since they were from the same neighborhood so they were able to play with each other, even if Ellie was more aggressive and outgoing while Carl was shy, they later on fell in love and got married, bought a house together -they had inside jokes and Ellie began to talk about her dreams of going to the Lost Land, finally when they grew old together, they began to depend on each other for support and once Ellie passed away Carl was left alone physically and emotionally and felt as though he needed to fulfill Ellie's dream of going to the Lost Land.

The second theory that best represents the love story of UP would be Lee's Style of Loving: Storge (companionate love) which is almost identical to the love of Ellie and Carl where they were just soul mates and their love did not have extreme highs and lows, it was very peaceful and they cared about each other very much, took care of one another and Carl fulfilled a life long dream of Ellie's when she passed away by going on an adventure to find the Lost Land and add it into their photo album of memories.

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