Thursday, March 1, 2012

In the movie Forest Gump, Forest fall in love with his childhood friend Jenny. Forest is a mentally challenged boy who get teased by the other children. Jenny, on the other hand was willing to befriend him. While She only saw him as a friend, Forest saw her as more than a friend and fell in love with her. He thought as his Angel. Jenny wanted to be free like a bird and escape her problems at home. Forest always did his best to protect her because of his love for her.

Lee's Style of Love:
Lee's Agape theory describes a person in love, who displays altruistic love that is self-sacrificing, kind and patient. This type of love is never jealous or demanding and does not seek reciprocity.  

Forest displayed many concepts of Agape love. He didn't show jealous or demanding feelings. Although Forest didn't enjoy seeing Jenny with another man, he respected her decision and never asked her to be with him instead.  Forest was also kind, patient, and always protecting Jenny to the point of self-sacrifice. Once after the man Jenny was going out with hit her, Forest punched him. Overall, Forest kept protecting her knowing he would never have a chance to be with her.

Attachment Theory:
This theory claims that babies develop one of three attachment styles Secure Style, Avoidant Style, and Anxious/Ambivalent Style. Babies who are secure are easily trusting and can easily feel close to others. Babies who are Avoidant Style babies find it hard to trust others and become close to them. Anxious/Ambivalent style worries their lover doesn't love them. They feel that their partner doesn't want to get as close to them as they would like. Each baby stays in their specific attachment style all the way through adulthood, ruling out any possibility of entering a different attachment style.

Jenny displayed the Avoidant Style because she felt uncomfortable being close. When Jenny was young she said "Dear God make me a bird so I an fly far far way." When she grows up, she still wants to escape and be free. She has been Avoidant from when she was a baby all the way through adulthood. Forest displayed the Anxious/Avoidant style. He shows this throughout the entire movie. While she is trying to escape and be free, he wants Jenny to want to be with him. He wishes she would be closer to him.   

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