- Baurind’s parenting style consists of an Authoritarian style, that demands
absolute obedience and often uses punishment to control their childrens behavior.
Then there is Permissive style, which is an autonomy, and shows freedom to
express and downplay for conformity. There are a few rules and regulations
within this parenting style. However there is very little control when
resolving conflicts/ situations.
- Lareu’s parenting style has
two different parts as well, first being
Concerted cultivation, which fosters and assesses children’s interests and
abilities, the next is accomplishment of natural growth, including the
essentials of food and shelter but in this case development comes
The authoritarian style is parenting style is one that I think i would apply except for a few exceptions of punishment and concerted cultivation also shows characteristics that I find great in parenting a child because it is very open to their child's concerns and needs
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