Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Authoritative parenting style

This is an example of the Authoritative Parenting Style. The reason why I believe this is an example of the Authoritative Parenting Style is because, both parents have a high level of control if their child and in the picture they are explaining to her what she did wrong. Authoritative Parenting Style is defined as demanding and maintains high level of control over the children, but is also warm and receptive.  Even though the child may not like the punishment or what she is being told her parents still are telling her what is right and wrong.  Both Parents looks flexible, caring, and responsive. They are not screaming at the child, but they are still holding her accountable for her actions. If  the parents did not hold their child accountable for her actions and were lenient they would have been the permissive parenting style and the child would have never understood right from wrong.

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