Parenting has four different deminsions parent control,parental maturity demands ,parent child communication and parent nurturance. From those four deminsions Baulmrinds styles were were indified and those styles are :
Authorative :Parents are nuturing, warm,but firm
Authoritarian : Parents seek obedience and conformity from children
Indulgent/Premissive : Parents are passive and accepting of childs behavior
Baumrinds style of Authoritatian is similar to Kohn style of comformity
Authoratative is similar to Kohns self-direction approach.
In relation to Lareau stlyes of concreate cultivation and accomplishment of natural grow goes well with the premissive and authortarian stlyle by Baumrind.
In my opinion I believe that balance plays a huge role when it comes to rasing a child. So with that being said I feel that the Authoritatice style is best because the parents listens to the child and considers thier feelings,but at the same time clear limts are set and the child know whats expected of them.
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