Thursday, April 19, 2012

Kramer vs Kramer movie

The Role Theory states that people invest time and energy to fulfilling multiple work and family responsibilities and these responsibilties affect the individual's health outcomes. Role Theory has three different components which are Role Conflict, Role Enrichment and Role Context. The hollywood movie Kramer vs Kramer examplifies how work-family duties can play out in an individual's everyday life and these daily activities can affect health. To best describe how this movie relates to the Role Theory, I will discuss scenes in the movie based on the Role Conflict component. There was more of Role Conflict in Kramer vs Kramer when dad struggled with being on time to his conference meetings at work because he had to buy groceries for his house. So doing household chores and keeping up with the demands of his job conflicted because of the time demand. There was also Role Conflict when dad experienced a shift in his responsibilities in the household. After his wife left him, he had to cook and prepare meals for his child and himself; and this consumed the time he usually used to work on his projects and prepare presentations for corporate conference meetings.

Another scene that showed Role Conflict from a different approach was when his wife returned to New York to claim custody of Billy, their son. While in the restaurant, she brought it to his attention that she loved her son and she thought their son would be better off with her. He reprimanded her for being out of Billy's life for 18 months and dismissed her claim of loving their son. Bottomline is that Role Conflict was shown because both parents fought for who should have full custody of the child.

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