Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Parenting Styles

Baumrind's parenting style consisted of three general styles: authoritative parenting style, permissive parenting style and authoritarian parenting style. The authoritaive parenting style consists of demanding parents that maintain high levels of control over their children, but they are also warm and receptive. The permissive parenting style consists of parents who are very nurturing, caring, and responsive to their children, but they are quite lenient. The authoritarian parenting style consists of strict, punitive, less communitive and offer less warmth and support.
Kohn suggests that parenting styles for lower-income and higher-income parents differ. Lower-income parents tend to emphasize conformity and related traits. Higher-income parents emphasize self-direction and creativity.
Lareau suggests that social class differences influence the way parents interact with their children. For instance lower-class families engage in fewer organized activities and were far more likely to spend their free time with their family and neighborhood friends. Middle-class parents enrolled their children in organized activities.
The three parenting styles focus on different aspects of child rearing. Baumrind's focuses on the way parents discipline their children as a whole. Kohn focused on the way parents raise theri children to fulfill their perspective social roles in life. Lareau focused on the way parents interact with their children and how much they expose them to other social settings.
A comparision would be that all three focus on the parenting styles and how it influences the child's attitude and behavior.
**I personally favor Baumrind's parenting style since it has a medium ground. This theory is not so binary like the other two. It offers an insight on how balance while raising your child is key. Suggesting that there are times where u have to be lenient but also times where u have to be strict but always showing love and care.

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