Thursday, April 12, 2012

Kohn used conformity and self-direction in his parenting style. Laureau focused on concerted cultivation and accomplishment of natural growth. Concerted cultivation was used to foster and assess children's intersts and abilities, and accomplishment of natural growth includes food, shelter, but the child's development comes spontaneously. Baumrind used his levels of parenting with authoritarian, permissive, neglectful, and authoritative parenting styles.

I feel that Baumrind's style is the clearest and most effective in explaing parenting styles. THe authoritarian parent demands obedience and most commonly uses physical discipline. The child is most likely scared of the parent and does not feel comfortable to approach them when they need them. The authoritative parent encouranges freedom and autonomy while still having control of the child. They use positive reinforcement, and still maintain rules and regulations. The permissive parent allows their child to do whatever they want and has little no control over what their child does. They do not have any rules or regulations for the child and does not discipline them. Out of the three, I believe that the authoritative parenting style is the most effective because they still let their child develop and have their own identity, while still having rules and regulations.

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